Home Articles Angel incarnations: from primal wound to soul mission

Angel incarnations: from primal wound to soul mission

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Angel mission

When angels choose the incarnation process and go off on their mission, they have often resided near the Source for centuries. They often specialize in a specific area: for example beauty and divine inspiration, health, truth and light.

First incarnation

But when an angel chooses the incarnation path, they often experience the first step in the world, like other beings who go the same route, as traumatic. In doing so, they have to deal with the counterpart of their quality. What does this mean for their incarnation process? How can they heal this so that they can successfully realize their original mission?


Angels often incarnate them from a very deliberate incarnation impulse. They want to represent and portray the qualities of a particular ray in the world of duality.


Thus, angels who are representatives of the ray of health will choose a soul mission that has to do with healing. Angels functioning on the ray of beauty often choose a mission that involves bringing divine inspiration through art. Angels who work on the ray of love want to bring love to areas where there is fear and loneliness. And angels who have become proficient in establishing light and truth often want to illuminate all that is hidden and bring knowledge and rightful action.

Primal wound

And here the potential problem factor immediately arises. Angels, when they enter the incarnation process, despite their experiences of working with their respective qualities, like all other incarnating souls, will be faced with the shock of the primal trauma. For some, it is just the fright of descending into the areas of lowered consciousness and lower frequencies that cause them to go into shock. In doing so, they can seemingly lose connection with Source and their true Home.


Some angels also experience intervention by beings who represent the negative pole, in other words: sabotage. For example, at the moment of descent into the frequencies, they are ambushed, confused by illusion, deceived, or even “hijacked”.


This is part of the “game” of dark and light. Just like on earth it serves growth and awareness with the aim of mastery: becoming a conscious co-creator. However, for angels who are vulnerable at the moment of the “leap into the deep” of the world of lower frequencies, it can be very traumatic.

Negative creating

Due to the shock of the primal trauma, they often lose their confidence in the Source, the Creator, or in themselves. By sabotage of the opposite pole, they can be burdened with negative programs and illusions about the Creator, themselves, and life in general. From these programs they then unconsciously start to create negative experiences.


Because of the pain of the primal trauma, angels often immediately run into the counterpart of their quality. Angels of love, for example, run into fear, hatred, abuse, or total lack of love and compassion. The angels of healing meet pain, sickness, and death. Angels of beauty experience gloom, hopelessness, and despair. Likewise, an angel of truth and light will run into against injustice, deception and manipulation.

Fighting the opposite

Originally, incarnating angels are focused on establishing the positive expression of their power. But because they have faced fear, pain, and illusion, incarnating angels will especially perceive the lack of it, its opposite, or distorted expression in their reality. Because they experience this as very painful, they instinctively want to combat or relieve this counterpart by using their original soul quality.

Dual thinking

But in the beginning, they will often do this from dual thinking. They try to heal or combat the counterpart of their quality. They subconsciously want to heal the pain of their own primal trauma through the other, not from unity consciousness. This is due to their traumatic experience and lack of experience. However powerful they may be, when it comes to functioning in the world of duality, angels are just as “green” as other newly incarnated souls!

Resisting duality

An angel can thus start operating from the misconception that they have to heal the world, resolve the pain and depression of others, fight injustice, etc. Obviously, this takes tremendous energy and leads to painful experiences. An angel will be “pulling the cart” for the other and fight duality. However, duality is part of creation. It serves a purpose. So to resist duality is to fight Creation itself!

Own process

In addition, wanting to heal your own wound through the other, although well-intentioned, is essentially manipulative. The other is entitled to his own wound, his own process of awakening, and attaining spiritual maturity and authority.


It can take many lifetimes for an earth angel to realize that they can only be of service to the other by living their qualities themselves. By being them themselves. To be their radiant true being. They do this by healing themselves, putting inspiration, awareness, and truth in the world without attachment to the end result.


Understanding their own original qualities, healing their primal trauma and learning to apply their qualities consciously without fighting or becoming entangled in duality (disease – health, yes – no, truth – illusion, good – bad, etc.) allows incarnated angels to do what they came for: to be a source of light for others.

Source of inspiration

By living their quality themselves, they are a source of inspiration for others. Others can then be touched and inspired by their frequency. As a result, they can also more easily become aware and grow and increase their own frequency. Ultimately, that’s all angels have to do in this world. This is how they realize their mission. They just need to heal their own primal wound and be the beauty, love and truth they want to see in the world.

© Wendy Gillissen, 2020
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