tekst rumi

Past life therapy
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Do you feel limited in living the best life you can lead and being your authentic self? Fears and limiting beliefs about yourself or the wiorld can stem from early life or past lives and have great impact on your life. Past life regression therapy is a great way to heal these, so you can be free to be your true self. Residual energies of other people and spirit attachments can also be effectively treated with regression. Past life regression is furthermore an excellent way to understand more about yourself, hidden blocks and talents, your life mission, past life connections and the greater journey of your soul!
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Your dreams are the nightly mirror of your soul. They help you see exactly who you are and where you are in life. They show you what you need to follow your passion and be the best you you can be! They help hone your vision, are a gentle teacher, a visionary tool, a divination tool… In dreamwork sessions Wendy can help you understand the personal language and symbols of your own dreams. Nightmares can also be treated in dreamwork sessions.
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Wendy regularly writes articles and blog posts about new age and spirituality in daily life, reincarnation and past lives, fairies and angels, twin souls, HSP and more. You can read them on her blog, on Spiritualist Resources and on this site. Read the latest articles here and share your experiences and comments!
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Wendy’s books
vloek tahiéra spirituele roman wendy gillissen

Wendy’s spiritual début Curse of the Tahiéra received three awards for independent authors and small press in the U.S.
Read more about the intriguing roots of this compelling story and its upcoming sequel, The Search for Tzanáta, with reviews and a sample preview.
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